My Designs

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Baby it's cold outside! Like freezing!

So this is what we woke up to this morning, outside my daughters bedroom window...
Just let that sink in a moment.....
Ok, so now that we are on the same page here. YIKES. It doesn't appear that it's all that close, however when you look at the distance from the tree to the buildings, this tree was right outside our apartment. The thought of what could have happened, is very frightening. But with God's providence, we are all ok, and so are our neighbors. I hope the part that is still standing stays there, it's appears to be leaning pretty good. 
How is the weather at your place?

In other news, I survived my first trip to Lifeway's VBS Preview Agency D3. I had a great time in the sessions, learned a lot about VBS that I had never really understood before and picked up some great ideas for decorations. Looking forward to the fun we will have! 

1Peter 3:16 
But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.  

Discover Decide Defend, 

love the theme.
I love the idea of using
crazy straws
as lightbulbs! Fantastic!
Here is just one of the 
many examples the had 
on display.

 And finally, I have got chevrons on the brain. In fact I have so many ideas that I am having great difficulty finishing one before starting another. Here is the proof. I love the black and red, but I am sooo excited about the yellow and grey. Tempted to start another with three colors, and very skinny stripes. hmmmm.... Guess I'd better go get some work done...

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